Showing posts with label Instrumentation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instrumentation. Show all posts

Friday 16 April 2021

pH Meter Working Principle, Calibration Procedure, Standard Solution Details


pH meter is a scientific instrument that measures the hydrogen-ion activity in solutions, indicating its acidity or basicity (alkalinity) expressed as pH value. The principle of pH meter is the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution e.g. it is the negative logarithm of an hydrogen ion. The pH range of solutions varies between 1 to 14, where 1 is the highest in acidic nature, and 14 is the highest in alkalinity.

Potentiometeric pH meter:

The pH meter measures the difference in electrical potential between a pH electrode and the reference electrode, that is why the pH meter is sometimes referred to as a “potentiometric pH meter”.

pH meter diagram:

Calibration of pH Meter:

Calibration of pH meter is a very important function that should be performed every day before performing any test on the pH meter.

Preparation of Standard Buffer

Buffer Solution pH 4.00 (200C) Transfer the content of buffer capsule or tablet pH 4.00 into a 100 ml volumetric flask. Dissolve in about 80 ml of purified water, make up the volume to 100 ml with purified water & mix.

Buffer Solution pH 7.00 (200C) Transfer the content of buffer capsule or tablet pH 7.00 into a 100 ml volumetric flask. Dissolve in about 80 ml of purified water, make up the volume to 100 ml with purified water & mix.

Buffer Solution pH 9.20 (200C) Transfer the content of buffer capsule or tablet pH 9.2 into a 100 ml volumetric flask. Dissolve in about 80 ml of purified water, make up the volume to 100 ml with purified water & mix.

Calibration of pH meter:

Operate the pH meter and electrode system according to the manufacturer’s instructions or according to the applicable SOPs. All measurements should be made at the same temperature of 20° to 25°. The apparatus is calibrated with the buffer solution of potassium hydrogen phthalate (primary standard) (buffer pH 4.0) and one other buffer solution of different pH, preferably buffer pH 9.2. The measured pH of a third buffer pH 7.0 must not differ by more than 0.05.

Calibration Procedure:

·         The instrument is calibrated to pH 4, 7 or 9.2 but remembers to calibrate pH 7 first.

·         Dip the electrode in standard Buffer Solution of 7.00 pH value. 

·         Measure the temperature of the solution and place the temperature knob accordingly.

·         Bring the Function Switch of pH Mode.

·         Adjust the “Calibrate” control so that the display reads 7.00

·         Now again turn the Function Switch into Standby Mode.

·         Remove the electrode from 7 pH buffer solution and wash it with distilled water, soak & dry it.

·         Put the electrode in 4 pH buffer solutions.

·         Bring the Function Switch in pH Mode and Adjust the “Slope %” (Right side of the instrument) so that the display reads 4.00.

·         Remove the electrode from 4 pH buffer solution and wash it with distilled water.

·         Always keep the Function Switch at standby Mode after measuring the pH value.

Procedure and operation of pH Meter

·         Ensure the temperature of the Liquid being examined to 200-250C.

·         Immerse the glass electrode in the liquid to be examined.

·         Turn off the knobs to pH Checking & note.

·         When measuring the pH above 10, ensure that the electrode is suitable for use under alkaline conditions & apply any correction that is necessary.

·         Record the pH of the solution used to standardize the meter and electrodes at the end of a set of measurements. If the difference between this reading and the original value is greater than 0.05, the set of measurements must be repeated.

Types of pH meters

1.    Traditional pH Meter

2.    pen-like devices

3.    pH strips

4.    Holographic pH sensors

5.    Solid-state electrodes pH Meter

6.    Voltmeter display device.:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is pH meter and what is it used for?

A pH meter is a device used for measuring the pH value of a solution. It consists of an electrode and voltmeter.

What is principle of pH meter ?

pH meter is a scientific instrument that measures the hydrogen-ion activity in solutions, indicating its acidity or basicity (alkalinity) expressed as pH. The principle of pH meter is the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution.

What is the best pH meter?

There are lots of pH meters available in the market in India, the best pH meter may depend on the usage of every individual, Somewhere a pen pH meter is best in use, whereas sometimes conventional pH meters is more suitable. some good examples of pH meters are as:-
Bluelab pH Pen Pocket Tester.
Hanna Instruments HI 9813-6N pH/EC/TDS Meter.
Bluelab Combo pH Meter.
Apera Instruments AI311 Premium pH Test Kit.
Oakton EcoTestr Pocket pH Meter.

What is full form of pH?

The full form of pH is the Potential of Hydrogen. It is a scale used to observe the acidity and alkalinity of a solution. The acidic solution has a higher number of hydrogen ion H+ and low pH.

What are the types of pH meter?

Traditional pH Meter
pen-like devices
pH strips
Holographic pH sensors
Solid-state electrodes pH Meter
Voltmeter display device.

What is the ph Meter definition?

Ph meter is scientific instrument used to measure the pH value of a solution. It measure the pH value by passing electric current through the measuring solution, and the electrode registers the activity of electrons and protons presents in the solution that posseses the pH value in number from 1 to 14.

What is digital pH meter?

Digital pH meter is broad term to define a class of pH meter. Those pH meters which shows the pH value instantly after dipping its knob in solution are called digital Ph Meter, they may digital ph meter with electrode or portable dry pH meters

Why P is small in pH value?

p is in the small letters because it refers to a word that is power, and H is in capital letters that refers to molecule Hydrogen. The pH term arrived from a French term puissance d’Hydrogen that means “power of Hydrogen” ion. In another theory, “pH” stands for the Latin terms pondus hydrogenii (quantity of hydrogen) or potentia hydrogenii (power of hydrogen).


pH meter is an essential part of the chemical industry, Food Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Agriculture sector. It allows us to know the nature of the solvent and therefore provides insights to take further actions accordingly. If a product has low pH then the manufacturer can raise its pH with some alkali solutions. However, the pH meter looks like a very simple scientific instrument but its functionality puts it at the top position of Chemio-physics instruments. pH meter is a physics instrument but its working is chemistry oriented.